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Many people are talking about it. Some people say, look, his ranking is still changing, he doesn t want to hit the top 2,000, right Countless people were shocked.The Dragon Prince, is a very powerful potential enemy.
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I don t know, what is the real identity of this woman Alright, let s collect the Xiantian Spirit Fire, Yan Ruyu said with a smile, the Qinglian behind her has disappeared.She has the power to fight against the great sage. It s absolutely fine for her to restrain the opponent.
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Haoming, why did you tell all about it Zhuo Nishang asked after wrapping Lin Haoming up and flying far away.In less than a quarter of an hour, the old man had finished his work, and then came to the hall with a smile on his face.
Although the square is not small, Lin Haoming noticed that it should be somewhere underground, and the square should also be rebuilt from an underground cave.You should know that Tiansha Sword It used to be a spirit treasure, right Cheng Yueyao asked.
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