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Master Lin has a wife named Shu who is proficient in medicine and is currently researching Duan Hun San.I will leave in three days, and then you can go directly to Ximen and wait for me Lin Haoming left these words at the end and left.

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Seeing him coming, Lin Haoming was a little surprised, because he specially arranged for him and Yao Dong to be on duty, and now that he came, it must be Yao Dong who asked him to report something important.You are looking at her here. I m going to report to the master and madam Li er confessed, and immediately went upstairs.

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Master is right, Seventh Sister, why don t I go cook a few dishes, master, take out the good wine you got from Fang Tongpan, the three of us will be singing to the wine here tonight Shu Siyue followed with a wise smile.Whichever material is the main material, even if it is on the first floor.

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I think the way to break the formation, my lord, should be proposed by someone earlier in the morning , Destroy some key reefs, but these reefs are specially refined with black gold, even monks in the Void Realm will have to bombard them for a while when using earth treasures, let alone inside, where the fog is Truvy Weight Loss Pills: My Journey to Losing 30 Pounds in 3 Months heavy, it is easy to be attacked by magic circles and Even if you know where the key points of these magic circles are, it is not so easy to break them.

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Lin Haoming nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Li er, and asked her intentionally, Li er How much is your salary now One hour crystal per month, and twenty petrochemical yuan meters in addition.This is something I bought from Fangshi, you can eat some Han Ningxiang said.

A tug of war competition began, and with Lin Haoming s force, the woman of the magic pupil clan who had already fainted showed pain on her face, and the pain continued to intensify, but she didn t know that Lin Haoming was using it.Three days later, Lin Haoming held another combat meeting on the flagship.

Master Wang, what s the matter At this time, Yuan Muqing and Zeng Huaili also arrived, and they also asked those who got up one step earlier.Seeing this scene, Lin Haoming also felt that compared with Tumo Fort, the defense of this Demon Town Fort was obviously stricter.

If you really want this letter of divorce, I will consider it.After all, Lin Haoming, as the city lord of the local thief city, wiped out the water bandits, and wiped out Nanzhou with less victories and more in the first battle.

What a pity That girl is the one who must be killed by the deity.Are you really a teenager Yin Fengling asked with some uncertainty.