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Lin Xuan turned his head and said, if you want to fight with me, you can, but not now, now I want to practice, you just wait.He looked ahead in panic, the black phantom opened its teeth and claws, and rushed towards Lin Xuan like a demon, not good.
The news spread in an instant, and the reputation of the Mad God rose again.Lin Xuan never thought that he would stay in hell for so long, and even continue to stay longer, but now he doesn t care at all.
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Yes, son. Hearing Lin Haoming s words, Wu Niu put down the money again, and went out with Lin Haoming.Lieutenant Guo Yun is a bad man. In fact, there is no need for that.
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I came here to thank you, but you also know that Wu Niu really saved me last night.It s very bad that all seventy people are here. You can t give them a little time.
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His body began to reveal a little vitality, and this vitality became stronger and stronger.If you want to leave, you will take us with you. Lin Haoming sighed and said, But you are serious.
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